Educacion, Infancia y Lenguas Extranjeras
Educacion, Infancia y Lenguas Extranjeras
Coordinator : Claudia María Uribe Hoyos, MA
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Affiliation : Universidad Católica Luis Amigó
Research group Educacion, Infancia y Lenguas Extranjeras
The research group ¨Educacion, Infancia y Lenguas Extranjeras¨ from Universidad Católica Luis Amigó started in 2011, it currently ranks as category B by Colciencias and it is ascribed to Licenciatura en Educacion Infantil and Lincenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras con Énfasis en Inglés from Facultad de Educacion y Humanidades. Educación, Infancia y Lenguas Extranjeras- EILEX takes as referents the concepts of education, pedagogy, human development, childhood and foreign languages as notions that lead the inquiry within the group. EILEX considers education as a process of formation and integral human development; at the same time development is seen as a process of construction of sense and meaning of the human being around oneself, society, culture and the world. (Information taken from Plan Estratégico y Operativo Anual del Grupo de Investigación. Universidad Católica Luis Amigo, 2017, own translation)
Purpose of the SIG and domains of Inquiry
Children’s Language Learning SIG has the main purpose of becoming a scenario for the interdisciplinary exchange of experiences regarding research and academia on the field of children language learning, and children educators’ formation in Colombia. This dyad is quintessential in order to understand that children’s learning is mediated by the dispositions and groundwork that their educators construct and deconstruct during their practice bearing in mind the needs, the capabilities and the interests of the population.
The domains of inquiry of Children´s Language Learning SIG are:
- The development of the communicative dimension and competence in children and their educators in Colombia.
- The signification of the educative practices of children language teachers in the diverse scenarios.
- The transformations of roles and perspectives of children language teachers during their English teaching practice.