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Presenter 1: Please use initial capital letter. (Max. 3 presenters per presentation. )
PRESENTER 1: (Max. 3 presenters per presentation. ) Please use Initial Capital letter
Capitalize all major words and all words of four letters.
PRESENTER 2: (Max. 3 presenters per presentation. Additional presenters must pay both registration to the conference and affiliation to ASOCOPI)
PRESENTER 2: (Max. 3 presenters per presentation. Additional presenters must pay both registration to the conference and affiliation to ASOCOPI)
PRESENTER 3: (Max. 3 presenters per presentation. ) Please use Initial Capital letter
PRESENTER 3: (Max. 3 presenters per presentation. ) Please use Initial Capital letter
PRESENTER 3: (Max. 3 presenters per presentation. )
• capitalize the initials of all major words, including words of four letters. • not have a colon or quotation marks • accurately reflect the presentation content
(From 80 - 100 words) As the abstract will appear in the Conference Booklet we would be grateful if you keep within the 100 word-limit. You can be more specific about your presentation in the description.
(500- 550 words)Introduction. The description is one of the requirements to be evaluated. It should include such aspects as a background or introduction, the stages of the presentation and a general overview of the references and/or theoretical framework taken into account.
(max. 50 words)
(max. 50 words)
• Research report (35 minutes): Sessions in which presenters report on partial or final results of research studies. Leave some minutes for questions and discussion. • Pedagogical experience (45 minutes): Sessions in which presenters share pedagogical applications of theories or language teaching approaches. • Lecture (35 minutes): Sessions in which presenters focus on state-of-the-art of any of the event themes, theoretical reflections, or critical appraisal of theories or language teaching methodologies or approaches. • Publisher/commercial (45 minutes): Sessions in which presenters introduce pedagogical materials, tests, language teaching approaches, work or study abroad opportunities, or offer any other type of service related to language teaching and learning. • Demostration (45 minutes): Sessions in which presenters demonstrate and provide practical elements for language teaching and evaluation. Although the presentation of a solid theoretical background is expected, most of the session should be devoted to show practical applications of pedagogical strategies. Each presentation lasts 35 minutes, followed by 10 minutes for questions and discussion.