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Teacher Education

Teacher Education

Coordinator : Álvaro Quintero  

Contact asocopisigteachered@gmail.com

Affiliation : Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas

Research group Estudios Críticos de Políticas Educativas Colombianas  


The research group is called Estudios Críticos de Políticas Educativas Colombianas - ESTUPOLI. The group is institutionalized by Universiad Distrital and clssified in category C by Colciencias (http://scienti.colciencias.gov.co:8080/gruplac/jsp/visualiza/visualizagr.jsp?nro=00000000010210). The Mission of the group is to constitute a group of high-quality researchers, whose activities make the voices of teachers in Colombia be heard by policy makers, generating important contributions to the way education policies are delineated, planned, and implemented in our Colombia. Research areas: Relationship between pedagogy and didactics Discourses, representations and imaginaries. Knowledge and teacher education Educational policies 


Purpose of the SIG and domains of Inquiry  


Our purpose is to document teachers' voices in regards to educational policies; to study how they make sense of educational policies and how they implement/adapt them in their own context. Our domains of inquiry include teachers' micro-practices, teachers' subjectivities, teacher education and neoliberalism, critical pedagogies

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