Language Teacher & Learner Identities
Language Teacher & Learner Identities
Coordinator : Harold Castañeda-Peña
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Affiliation : Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
Research group Aprendizaje y Sociedad de la Información
Aprendizaje y Sociedad de la Información is an interinstitutional research group where Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Universidad Industrial de Santander and Universidad Pedagógica Nacional participate. In relation to English Language Teaching and Learning this research group has recently explored themes related to Power, identity and inequality and Second Language Teacher Education. This research group has recently been classified as Type A by Colciencias.
Purpose of the SIG and domains of Inquiry
Purpose: There is a need to understand identity thinking of invisible but current colonial mechanisms or devices that do not let English language teachers and learner exist, be or become. Domains: It is important to comprehend appropriation processes of manifestations of colonial mechanisms and situations (e.g. language policies) that could evidence identity work to subvert domination and invisibilization Overt and covert curriculum practices and L2 instrumental teaching performances are to be explored to question understandings of teaching and learning and principles that could potentially perpetrate diverse language teaching and learning identities Feminization and patriarchalism could be explored as analytical categories of gendered foreign language learning practices that frame students’ and teachers’ identitites also looking into minorities and LGBTI communities Under-researched identities of English language teachers and students belonging to rural, indegeneous, gipsy and other communities are to be comprehended under this lens Policing teachers’ and learners’ bodies acts upon identity; this is an ideology hidding the existence of multiple body representation and performance Teachers’ and students’ identities are subjected to racialization processes denying multiplicty Information and digital literacy competences tend not to be linked to personal histories and are rather standardized. This has an effect on language teachers’ and language learners’ identities. (Adapted from Castañeda-Peña, in press)